the feminist

wellness retreat

Hi, I’m Jen. I’m a champion for women changemakers.

Here’s why.

When I was the CFO of a $35 million company I was (outwardly) very successful. But internally, I was suffering from debilitating impostor syndrome, ‘I’m not good enough’ limiting beliefs, and eventually burnout—that made me leave corporate all altogether. Looking back, I wonder how much more I could have contributed.

I suspect you may have had similar experiences—if you’re a business leader, especially without women-centric support, or (enough) role models—or a change-maker or activist disillusioned from trying (and trying) to make change within the status quo. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Feminism told me to break through the glass ceiling, but not through my limiting beliefs.

Self-empowerment is the new self-care.

That’s why I created the feminist wellness retreat for women leaders, changemakers, feminist and social justice activists.

For the past decade—after I left Corporte and got my M.A. in Social Entrepreneurship + Change—I have been tracking the force multiplier impact of women’s leadership on nearly every sector of society. So I knmow, there is a specific and quantifiablechange that only women make.

I want to raise your awareness about the intrinsic power of women’s leadership and empower you to overcome the obstacles holding you back from making the change only you can make in the world.

Balance + Replenish.

Feminist wellness works at the intersection of women’s intrinsic power to create change and the obstacles—like limiting beliefs + imposter syndrome—that keep that critical change from being able to impact the world.


We start by raising awareness about the origin of limiting beliefs for women (hint: they have less to do with your character and abilities and more to do with living, working, and trying to make a change in our status quo world.) This awareness allows you to disengage from self-blame and shame, and reframe your past, your sense of accomplishment, and your notion of success— so you can see your future and your work in a new light.


Enlightened with your new awareness of your abilities and worth, we will establish and you will begin to put a ‘practice’ into play that helps you to notice when (and why) specific limiting beliefs surface in your daily life. You will leave with ‘rinse + repeat’ strategies to consistently move through them and back into the place of your power—to both live more authentically and to re-ignite your purpose.


We will do our work in the space of ritual—which is defined as a space where transformation happens. We will add the element of making it our own ‘safe space’ for your transformations. We will complete healing rituals in three areas that are particularly disempowering for women: to transform OVERWHELM, and DISILLUSIONMENT, and end with a ritual to RECLAIM OUR ENERGY, to reset, and to rejuvenate.

When women—you— pursue your wellness, your self-care becomes your activism, and your wellness is world-changing.

Balance + Replenish.

Feminist wellness works at the intersection of women’s intrinsic power to create change and the obstacles—like limiting beliefs + imposter syndrome—that keep that critical change from being able to impact the world.


We start by raising awareness about the origin of limiting beliefs for women (hint: they have less to do with your character and abilities and more to do with living, working, and trying to make a change in our status quo world.) This awareness allows you to disengage from self-blame and shame, and reframe your past, your sense of accomplishment, and your notion of success— so you can see your future and your work in a new light.


Enlightened with your new awareness of your abilities and worth, we will establish and you will begin to put a ‘practice’ into play that helps you to notice when (and why) specific limiting beliefs surface in your daily life. You will leave with ‘rinse + repeat’ strategies to consistently move through them and back into the place of your power—to both live more authentically and to re-ignite your purpose.


We will do our work in the space of ritual—which is defined as a space where transformation happens. We will add the element of making it our own ‘safe space’ for your transformations. We will complete healing rituals in three areas that are particularly disempowering for women: to transform OVERWHELM, and DISILLUSIONMENT, and end with a ritual to RECLAIM OUR ENERGY, to reset, and to rejuvenate.

When women—you— pursue your wellness, your self-care becomes your activism, and your wellness is world-changing.

This for you if…

You’re an Executive Leader tired of hitting the same brick walls, in need of some woman-centric support.

You’re a Social Justice Activist suffering from burnout + fatigue, looking for a Community.

"Feminism isn’t about making women stronger; women are already strong; it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength."

— G.D Anderson.

You’re a Feminist in the trenches, wondering if change for women is even possible...needing to get re-inspired.

You’re a Cultural Creative searching for the new and next models + ways of creating change and the future.

What we will do each day…


Building our Container | 7PM

We will gather for a meal + casual meet/greet, getting to know one another + beginning to build the space for our work individually + together.


You Time | Before 10AM

Take advantage of the hotel’s coffee delivery, sleep in, or take a centering walk on the beach.

Session 1 | 10AM

We dive into our inpowerment work. We will be completing awareness activities that directly relate to scenarios in your life and you will learn the rinse + repeat strategies to make the consistent change you are here to make.

Lunch | 12PM

Session 2 | 1PM

We continue our deep work and participate in our first Feminist Ritual.

Break | 3:30 PM

Take time alone or together to enjoy beautiful Laguna Beach. Hiking, biking, shopping await, or go poolside for some rest + relaxation. This part of our work, too.


You Time | Before 10AM

Take advantage of the hotel’s coffee delivery, sleep in, or take a centering walk on the beach.

Session 1 | 10AM

We dive into our inpowerment work. We will be completing awareness activities that directly relate to scenarios in your life + get the rinse + repeat strategies to make the consistent change we are here to make.

Lunch | 12PM

Session 2 | 1PM

We continue our deep workbeginning to focus out on the world.

Break | 3:30 PM

Take time alone or together to enjoy beautiful Laguna Beach. Hiking, biking, shopping await, or go poolside for some rest + relaxation. This part of our work, too.

Here are some of the Ammenities + Activities available during your stay:

What people say about Jen…

  • “Jen brings a one-of-a-kind lens to women's leadership."

    Alexia Vernon, Coach, Speaker + Author of Step into Your Moxie: Amplify Your Voice, Visibility, and Influence in the World

  • “Really, for the first time, I allowed myself to share deeply with the other women. You made it safe and I felt very supported."

    Trish Boucher, Creator + Artist

  • “What Jen brings to her Cwork isn't just Coaching—it's Consciousness Raising.”

    — Julia Hook, Brand Strategist Consultant + Author of Hot Flashes, Carpools, and Dirty Martinis: The Quintessential Guide for Turning Midlife Into PrimeTime

Reparative and nourishing for the body + feminist soul—you will leave feeling:




+ Heard



Ready to make the change only you can make in the world.

Are you ready to change the world—or your corner of it?